1st Level Courses
2nd Level Courses
single cycle
welcome to ABAPA
INCOMING from partner Universities - OUTGOING personale amministrativo e docenti ABAPA
The Academy of Fine Arts of Palermo, international institution in the Mediterranean, is among the Italian historical academies for higher education, specialization, research and production in the artistic sector. Study Fine Arts in Sicily is our the educational offer, the avant-garde catalog of courses by our departments, Visual Arts, Design and Applied Arts, Communication and Art Education.
is an international summer school
partners, the University of Jordan - School of Arts and Design in Amman (JO) and the University of Algiers 2 in Algiers (DZ).
in partnership with
University of West Attica (Athens), Beykoz University (Istanbul)
visiting professor
prof. Anthony Pillette da École des Beaux-Arts de Marseille